
· I draw stuff sometimes ·

VTuber ( Live2D) artwork terms of service

When submitting an application you agree to the following terms:

  • I reserve the right to refuse your project should I feel it does not align with my skillset or interest.

  • You may use your model artwork for commercial purposes (VTubing/VStreaming/etc).

  • The model artwork may not be resold or redistributed.

  • You will receive the artwork only. I am not offering rigging at this time.

  • Prices are a base and may vary depending on the complexity of your request. I will give a definitive quote for your project once all the details have been sent.

  • I will take full payment upfront or half upfront and half upon approval of the sketch. There are no refunds once payment has been made. Payments are made via Paypal invoice.

  • There will be 3 revision phases included during the sketching phase. Please be concise and clear about your desired adjustments/changes. If you require more revisions they will incur an additional fee.

  • I reserve the right to stream your artwork process, unless specifically discussed prior.

  • Turnaround time may vary depending on model complexity. If you have a deadline please be sure to mention so we can discuss work availability. Rush fees may be applied for expediated deadlines.

  • I will only be accepting characters with visual reference at this time. I will not design your character.

Philadelphia, PA
© Allison "uguubear" Henderson 2018-2020